Sunday, November 5, 2017

Pizza and a Parking Spot

You wanna know the character of the Father? Ask Him to reveal Himself to you.

He. Will. Do. It.

Almost a month ago, I went on a retreat that changed my heart in the best ways. One thing I learned was that I had this view of the Father that was all wrong. I had this fear that any little thing I did would cause Him to snap and I would have to face His anger, or He would just stop caring about me. I constantly lived my life tiptoeing around and trying not to mess up. In fact, I think I avoided Him.

Once my eyes were opened to this, I began to see Him for who He truly is. He is loving. He is compassionate. He is patient. And one of my favorite things: His grace will never run out.

I don't have to live in fear of Him or in fear that He will leave.

For the past few weeks, it's almost like He's been saying, "Hey, watch this. I'll show you my goodness." He has shown Himself to me in so many tiny ways that might seem silly to everyone else, but to me it's so beautiful.

The other day, Trace and I were talking about the Father and how great He is. When it was time for me to head back to my residence hall, I made a comment about how I was really hoping I would get a good parking spot so I didn't have to walk very far. Trace said, "You will." I got back to the lovely Rice Hall and there was a parking spot right behind the building. I texted Trace and told him and he said, "Dad saved it for you!" I truly believe that. He looks out for His children, y'all!!

The day after that, I was sitting in class when I got a text from my youth group back home about it being game night. I texted my sister and said, "I could smash some pizza right now." That night I went to church in Starkville and guess what was for dinner? Pizza. At that point I had forgotten I even said anything earlier that day. I got my pizza and went to sit down and someone said to me, "yeah girl, smash that pizza." My. exact. words. When it hit me I was almost in tears. Over pizza. I was just so in awe that the God who created the universe cares enough to listen to my silly wishes.

I say all this just as a reminder that He does listen and He cares for His children. I've been in the place where you think you don't hear God's voice. You just have to pay attention!! He is constantly speaking, even if you think it might be small or silly. Take the time to really tune your ear to His voice and learn how He speaks. He might just show you how good He is through pizza and a parking spot.

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; his love endures forever." -Psalm 107:1


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