Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why #AllLivesMatter Should Not Be a Thing Right Now

Let's get this straight up front...all lives do matter. God knew us in our mother's womb, He created our inmost being (Psalm 139:13) and He made us in His image (Genesis 1:27). He made us with a purpose and a plan for us (Jeremiah 29:11) and He calls us His masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10). So yes, all lives matter. Black lives, white lives, brown lives.

However, responding with "#AllLivesMatter" when someone says, "#BlackLivesMatter" at a time like this is ridiculous, uncalled for, and irrelevant. It would be like someone saying, "We must find a cure to Covid-19" only for someone to respond, "No, we must find a cure to Ebola!" It is simply not what our world is fighting right now. We must fight for justice where justice is needed.

Here is the thing, friends. We have proved a countless times that white lives matter. White people have a disproportionate amount of high paying jobs, white people hold the majority of elected positions, on and on and on. But what is most sad is white people never have to worry about simply living. They don't have to worry about going on a run and getting shot. They don't have to worry about getting arrested while completing daily routine tasks, they don't have to worry that someone will gun them down for no reason. Friends, it is obvious that we have already proved that white lives matter.

But black lives? Our black brothers and sisters are scared to go on runs. They are scared to walk into public areas in dark clothes. They are scared to be out at night. They are scared to live normal lives. And until we realize that this is not okay, WE are the problem. We are not treating every life as valuable. We are allowing this to continue to happen.

I am sure by now we have all heard of the sad passing of 25 year old Ahmaud Arbery. Arbery was out for a run when two white men who allegedly thought he was a robber followed him and shot him to death. These two thought an innocent man was a criminal simply because of his skin color. An innocent young man with his whole life ahead of him, killed because of blatant racism.

This news broke me. The two murderers, both white men, yet to be charged. Disgusting.

Right now, more than ever, we need to know that #BlackLivesMatter.

To my white brothers and sisters, you do matter, but let us not selfishly sit back and allow ourselves to be the only ones who do. This, too would be racism. We are not better. The color of our skin does not add extra value to our lives. We must not allow others to be treated this way.

To my black brothers and sisters, I will stand with you. I will stand with you until justice is served. I will stand with you until you can live a normal peaceful life. I will stand with you until you can live without fear. And after that, I will continue to stand with you. I will stand with you for eternity where every tribe, nation, people, and tongue will be peacefully united (Revelation 7:9).

I am praying for justice for Ahmaud and I hope you will too.


A side note for you, this is my boyfriend. He is 25, the same age as Ahmaud. He loves and serves me so well and is kind, patient, and gentle with those around him. I pray he is never in this situation. I pray there is a day where I do not have to worry about what could happen if he is out alone. I pray there is a day where we do not get disgusting looks and comments for being together in public. I pray that my future children never have to worry about being stereotyped, or even killed for the color of their skin. More than anything, I pray this never happens to someone's child, spouse, parent, niece, nephew, cousin, or friend again.