Sunday, February 5, 2017

Different Is Not Wrong

Don't ever let anyone tell you you're wrong because you don't live life how "everyone else" does. Ever!

Here's a quick story:

My family moved the summer before I started first grade. The day before my first day, I learned how to tie my shoes. When I got into class, I sat down on the rug with the rest of the kids and noticed my shoe was untied so I reached down to tie it. The way I did it was honestly very unconventional, but it didn't matter to me. Then a boy in my class looked at me and fussed at me because "I didn't do it right." Why did it matter? My shoe was still tied right?

Although that was 12 years ago, (wow that's crazy) I feel like that story is a perfect example of the world we are living in today. Our society has made us believe that we must be wrong just because we aren't functioning like everyone else.

I've always been a little different. I'm the girl who drives 2 1/2 hours home from college every weekend just to be with her family. I'm the girl who would rather go to bed than go to the party. I'm the girl who would rather spend her Saturday nights watching movies at home with her friends than going out. Heck, I'm even the girl who likes the mountains more than the beach. Weird, right? But the hardest thing for me through all of this is to know that it's ok. Just because I don't fit into the mold society says I should doesn't mean there is something wrong with me.

You like high school better than college? That's ok.
You want to hangout with your parents while everyone else goes out? Cool.
You want to wear sweatpants out when all of your friends dress up? You go!

You are more than society's idea of "right." You're different and that is perfectly ok. I'm thankful that the Lord has made us all different with different interests, styles, and quirks that make us unique. How boring would this world be if we were all the same? Just because you're different doesn't mean you're broken. And it sure doesn't mean you're wrong. You're just you. The wonderfully unique person the Lord made you to be.

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." - Psalm 139:13-14

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