Yesterday was a very productive day for me. I caught up on some laundry, cleaned my room and bathroom, made my bed with clean sheets, and even got in a good workout. After I finally finished everything on my to-do list, I was ready for my much needed Bible study time. Right as I was getting ready to start, I thought to myself, "I am absolutely disgusting right now. I need to shower before I can sit down for my quiet time with The Lord." This thought triggered so many more thoughts in my mind. Then a question came to me...
Why do we feel the need to "clean ourselves up" before we enter into the presence of God?
As soon as this question entered my mind, I sat down at my desk. Sweaty clothes, messy hair and all, I immediately began researching people in the Bible who once felt unworthy to be in Jesus' presence because of the sin in their life. The first example I came upon was Isaiah. In the book of Isaiah, chapter 6 Isaiah recalls that he "saw the Lord, seated on a throne, high and exalted" (v. 1 NIV) After witnessing the presence of the Lord, Isaiah called out, "Woe to me! I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips". (v. 5) The second example I found is Simon Peter. In Luke chapter 5, Simon Peter had been fishing all day, and had not caught a thing. However, Jesus instructed him to let down his nets. Simon Peter assured Him that he had been trying all night and hadn't caught anything, but said, "But because you say so, I will let down the nets." (v. 5) They caught so many fish, that their nets began to break. When Simon Peter saw this he fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" (v. 8) Both Isaiah and Simon Peter felt unworthy as soon as they realized that they were in Jesus' presence. But check what happens next!! This part is so exciting to me...
Back to Isaiah...after one of the seraphs flew up to him with a coal he had taken from the alter, touched it to his lips, and told him his sin was atoned for, Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord. "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And Isaiah spoke up and said, "Here I am. Send me!" (v. 8)
After Simon Peter had fallen at Jesus' knees, saying he was sinful, Jesus replied, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men." And Simon Peter left EVERYTHING and immediately followed Jesus.
So what does it mean for us? You do not have to clean up and be spotless before you enter the presence of God. He just wants you. All of you. All of your guilt, shame, scars, and sin. Because when you come to Him in your brokenness with a heart of repentance, He is able to cleanse you from it all because He already went to the cross on your behalf. And the good news is, He still wants to use you. He has called you to do great things. To be witness, a light in dark places, and a disciple among the nations. Are you saying, "here I am, send me!"? Are you ready to drop everything to follow Him? You ARE worthy because He made you worthy. You ARE called because He has called you. Body of Christ, it's time to rise up.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."-Romans 8:28